What We Believe
We Believe …
- That the Scriptures (Old and New Testament) are the infallible word of YHVH.
- That YHVH is one, and is expressly manifested in numberless ways, and that all these ways are the one True YHVH. (Devariym (Deuteronomy) 6:4)
- That Yeshua‘ haMashiach is the Word of YHVH, the Son of Elohim manifested in the flesh and is the fullness of Elohiym bodily.
- That salvation is by grace through faith, and that only by the shedding of innocent blood is there remission of sins.
- That Yeshua‘ was born of a virgin by the Holy Spirit (Ruach haQodesh).
- That the body of Messiah is composed of all those who believe and have committed themselves to Yeshua, the Seed of the woman, from the beginning.
- That Yeshua is indeed coming back again, so that where He is, we may be also.
Though not crucial to your salvation, we also believe and teach that …
- Knowing the culture, language, idioms, and people who penned the scripture is imperative to understanding the New Testament.
- That the eternal power and the divine nature of YHVH can be understood by what He has made. Rom. 1:20
- The New Testament is Yeshua‘s interpretation of the Tanakh (Old Testament).
- The work and ministry of the Ruach haQodesh is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
- Law (Torah) has never redeemed, only His grace through faith. The Torah is designed to bless the followers of the God of Israel.
- YHVH’s desire, purpose, care, and will for man has never changed. His laws (teachings and instructions) are for us because He loves us so.